In 2019, I went back to school. The original plan was to get a Masters Degree in seven years while working full-time to become an LCSW. Two and one-half years ago, that plan got put on hold. I've been going back and forth on whether I wanted to go back to school and finish what I started or not. Over the past couple of months, I made a decision to not get a Masters. I only need the degree to be recognized by the mental health community. I decided my time and money would be better spent getting a certification that specialized in trauma and narcissistic abuse. It was a better means to an end that would still accomplish what I originally set out to do - be a counselor/coach for women who have experienced narcissistic abuse.
I've been casually researching certifications but not actively making any decisions because I kept telling myself I can't afford it. I'm struggling to keep up with the rent and my dog's vet bills have increased. In order to find a way to afford this certification, I had to get creative on what I could cut back on. I spent a lot of time yesterday researching certifications and made a final decision as to which one I wanted to pursue. The time commitment didn't scare me, only the financial commitment.
I felt that I needed to act in spite of my fear; which was confirmed by a conversation with friends tonight. The double benefit of this training is that I will also personally benefit from the somatic healing methods. I will be healing myself while learning how to heal others. The monthly payment was the equivalent of a therapy session so I felt this was a good investment in spite of the financial strain. Today I signed up for a one-year program that will give me the equivalent of a masters degree as a somatic trauma informed coach.
This is an important step in getting my coaching business started. Each week, I'll learn more and will become a better coach even before the certification is completed. This puts me closer to my goal of being a narcissistic abuse coach on a full-time basis. Anyone can get a business license and set up an LLC. I don't want to just have a business, I want to provide valuable coaching that changes lives.
I'm guilty of not wanting to start something new until I have all my ducks in a row so I can do it right from the beginning. While listening to a podcast the other day, the speaker said, "It's better to do something badly than not to do it at all". My heart is still pounding because I just jumped but I'm not looking back. This next year will come and go and I can finally close this chapter that I began in 2019. I will finally have the training I've been seeking to be an effective coach and help others.